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Department of Computer Science

Prof. Dr. Johannes Fischer

© TU Dortmund


Room:  R. 212 in OH14 
Phone:  +49 231 755 7711 or 7701 (secretary)
Fax:  +49 231 755 7740 
E-Mail: (PGP key: download locally or from here). Do NOT use (unless you have bad news), this is somebody else!
Office hours:  Office hours: Thursday 11:00-12:00. Bitte vereinaren Sie in der VL-freien Zeit auf jeden Fall einen Termin. [Make an appointment.] (auch innerhalb der VL-Zeit möglich, aber nicht unbedingt notwendig)

Not reviewing for Elsevier journals.

Link to a notable article on CS conferences and climate emergency. And to a follow-up article.

Hinweis an Studentinnen und Studenten: bitte beachten Sie auch bei Emails die Minimalregeln der schriftlichen Kommunikation.

Research Topics

  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Computer Science Education in Secondary Schools

Recent and Ongoing Projects

I am or was involved in the following funded projects:

  • DEGREE (BMBF, since 2018)
  • IINA (BMBF, 2019-2022)
  • Massive Text Indices (DFG, 2014-2021)
  • Practical and Parallel Text Compression (DFG, since 2022)
  • Resource-Efficient Graph Mining (DFG, 2020-2022)


Recent Program Committees and Scientific Activities

  • CPM'25 (PC member)
  • ESA'24 (PC chair track B) proceedings
  • LATIN'24 (PC member)
  • Informatiktag NRW'24 (local organization)


  • see LSF